Wednesday, August 17, 2011

I heard that there is a list of pro-wrestlers that died early. Where can I get a copy of this list?

Since Chris Benoit killed his wife and son and then himself, people have said that there are move pro-wrestlers that died early in age. A former wrestler has made up a list of these wrestlers. Does anyone know where to get a copy?

My other daughters 5th birthday party?

my daughters birthday is on the 26th june and she wants her party at the build a bear factory she has chosen 10 friends plus her and her sister and we have said that they can have a bear up to the price of �15 each plus she is having the mascot thats �20. Has any bodies children ever had a party there or been to a party there and knows can the children mix and change (if u get what i mean) say they want a cheaper bear can they brings the price up to what we have set by getting bits for the bear or is that seperate? Also is there any other cost that i have to add or is it just per child and the mascot thanks (sorry if its confusing)

How can you get into a home without any money down, bad credit and substancial debt?

I have been in and out of the hospital and am unable to work , my husband makes over $55,000 a year but we are a family of 5 crammed into a 2 bedroom apt. He has student loans and bad credit from divorce. He had a home from his previous marriage, but I have never been a home owner. The question is how can we get out of this hole we are in and start moving on with our life? Iwant to try to be in a home b4 my 3 yr old son starts school.. because the schools where I currently live are unsatisfactory. we currently pay $650 a month in rent .. which is more than most of my friends house payments so I am wondering how do I get started trying to improve our situation and get into a home .. with $1,000 in debt each month and no way to possibly save for a down payment of any kind.

Could a blimp move faster then a ship could during 17 or 18 hundreds?

and what if Martians had paratroopers, could they invade Earth or we'd still beat them as in the doentary "The War of the Worlds?"

Urgent Help Needed!!!!!!!!?

The history teacher asked me and a friend to run history club !!! omg we have no idea what we could do !!! It has to be on the Incas and Aztecs. Does anyone know any activities we could do that would be really fun and do you know any websites with info on them. Thanks !!

Do you consider religious ideas tainted by the immoral behavior of some of those who hold them?

ume for the purposes of the question that there is some portion who hold the same ideas without engaging in the immoral behavior.

Why dont Mexican league clubs sign American players?

It seems that the owners of the FMF only care about money but not talent by the looks of it. The FMF does have talent but not many have gone to Europe.

Anyone heard any creepy stories from your family that are supposedly true?

i heard a few. around the camp fire, my grandpa has told me a few times that his dad ( my great grand father) was riding on his bike on his way home, on a road going through the woods i think, when he saw somthing a ways away in the woods. he stopped to look at it, (it was starting to get dark) and he saw somthing that looked kind of like a kangaroo, but it was sitting on top of a small fence, rocking back in forth. it rocked for a bit, but then it fell off. he got scared and jumped on his bike and rode as fast as he could, but then his chain broke, and he walked the rest of the way home. for some reason, this story has always creeped me out, but also interested me very much. another story is that my dad said when he was young, he was playing baseball with his brother, when all of a sudden, somthing that looked kind of like a modern day military helicopter came over them, hovered for a bit, then flew away, but it made no noise. he said the model of helicopter wasnt one they had back then, but kind of like today. he also said he got up from his bedroom when he was little, and was going to the kitchen, when he was a huge lizard just standing on the floor. he says it was a really huge lizard. that one i think he was probably dreaming, but i dont know about the helicopter one. any of you have interesting/creepy stories like that?

Who are the 3 most interesting serial killers and why?

Zodiac, Ted Bundy, Jack the Ripper. It's probably the way they killed that is interesting. Also the way we still don't know who they are. Except Ted of course

'macbeth does murder sleep.' HELP PLEASE?

i have to make a spider diagram on 'macbeth does murder sleep' - i have to write what it means and what its all about and i have no idea what to write. an example is; 'macbeths action has meant that sleep is dead - no one will ever be able to sleep peacefully again' im so stuck, help please :)

Ttc for the first month?

well this is the first month of ttc, about 3 days after i thought i conceive after me and my partner bd i had a pinkish colour discharge straight after but nothing since, but i have had a slighty but noticebly sore left , i had bad heartburn for 3 days, very bloated for the past 2 days. i was gy but that worn off. i have had cramps maybe 3 times a day for about 4 days. but 2 days ago i took 2 pregnancy tests and both came up negative... do you think i should take another test yet or leave it for another day or so?

What should I do about this situation with my parents? I know it's long, but I'm REALLY upset! PLEASE HELP!?

Well to start off, your mum is completely out of line saying your illnesses are a burden.. as you said it was her decision to have a child, its not your fault. That's like her complaining that you have brown hair.. its something that you cant change. And why do your parents keep saying that you going to bed at 12.30 is the problem? That's so stupid, no.1 that's actually pretty normal for a uni student. No.2 your 21 you are an adult, you can go to bed when ever you want, and no.3 That's not a problem with anything, its defiantly not a reason for your dad to quit his job, which means he cant provide for you and you are in uni you need the money, so he is being an . And with your mother talking to her friend about you, that is out of line. And she said she has every right to? She has no right, if you tell her not to tell her friends things about you then she Absolutely can not do it. I know how you feel with your dad shouting at you and hitting you, my dad does the same thing when hes angry, even when all i did is 'Speak in a bad tone'. if he does it again tell him you will call the police, but don't really call the police because you need your parents money for uni and if you call the police you will get kicked out and you don't need that right now. Your parents are completely irrational and sound horrible, my best advice is to stay at home until you have your education and then leave and you don't have to have them in your life after that, its your choice. Good luck, and i hope every thing goes well with putting up with your parents and getting your master's =]

Which is the best out of these?

i think Tatiana, would fit perfectly. And btw, this question amused me because my mom watches this T.V. show about selling houses, and the Realtors (spelling?) name is Tatiana, and she acts exactly like you described! LOL!!

Being bullied at school.?

look.. u probably cried b-cuz ur just not the person to fight fire with fire, ur a really nice girl dat doesnt bother any1, but gets bullied just b-cuzz there just jealous, of wat they dont have like better grades....and bout the bullyin tell a teacher, tell the teacher to not menchin ur name BTW: i bet she is a ...

Are people from Lebanon considered white?

Im mexican and my dad's side of the family are of lebanese descent. My paternal granfather was from a family of very light skin and blue eyed people, is this common for lebanese people?

Hollyoaks question???????

does Kris have both his arms tattooed? or is this sleeves? i've seem him with this before but also sure that he didnt have this recently

Shame to be a Liverpool fan ..! ?

Liverpool Are Very Big Headed (So Are Their Fans) They Have an aragence about them, their so defencive because their so oipen to critism, they have no care for others, and dont care about the youngsters of football but hey they cant say much for the price of their team they are sh*t west ham came 7th 2 seasons ago with a whole team worth the amount of torres

How would you explain the six-day war?

If I'm not mistaken... Israel went against Syria, Jordan, Egypt who had a bunch of other Arab countries backing them. So obviously were far outnumbered, yet Israel won and was able to take control of Gaza, West Bank, Sinai from Egypt, East Jerusalem from Jordan and the Golan Heights from Syria. How did it happen? Was Israel that technically advanced even back then? Also, how on any basis can the Arab countries demand the land they lost (badly) in a war? Since when did losers get to "have".

I got a sever burn over the elbow due to the tincture as i had place it over ma elbow?

i placed a cotton filled with the tincture for about fifteen minutes over a small cut as a result i got dark colouration over ma elbow n got blisters redness and its painfull too too so i am really scared plz help and does that colour goes off???

Brian and Justin FOREVER?

brian's not too old for justin? i always kinda thought that he was... i saw the series when it premiered on showtime, like jeeze, 9 or 10 years ago... that was some racy tv! ;-)

What do you rate my fantasy team?

u better get rid of chauncey before ppl realize he's 52 yrs old and is losing his best ping option, and scola is overrated as hell, bc he really sucks

Flo's Diner Dash 2, train part?

Ok, so im on level 18 on the train part. im on story mode. iv'e been stuck on this level for over a month. i really need help and tips please!

What percentage of Hussein's slavishly adoring audience in his ABC infomercial last night were Republicans?

They had every right. Do you actually think conservative TV talk shows do not hand pick the audience with people of their views? We all know how the republicans feel, after all didn't they start criticizing the moment the word health care was mentioned.*

Do you know the song title and artist?

Cadliacs on 22s I aint done nothin in my life but stay tru........Pray to the lord for these Mississippi streets.

Whats wrong with me? Can anyone help me?

I have really embarring symptoms. 1st. off i am fat and the doctors say i have Polycystic ovary syndrome. But Ive been trying to get more help because the doctors dono whats wrong. I get cramps after . Also before i make a bowel movement I get cramps too Then i bleed and it gets itchy and very uncomfortable sometimes its alout but other times i dont get any. i feel like i an always tired. And i feel like i never get full I could just eat for days. i have were red "freckles" on my ares and lags also. Could anyone help me find an answer or point me in th direction of someone who can? PLEASE i am kinda worryed

Shaky mattress and box springs. What to do to stop the shake?

This is a great bed to sleep on BY ONESELF!! Add a second person, and every little turn or movement and the other wakes up. The person moving has no sense of the bed's movement, yet the other person feels like they are witnessing a small 5.0 earth quake ....or worse. Any solutions? Can't return the items. Got as is. Haven't had a GOOD night's sleep in weeks.

How do you treat cystitis?

Most probably you got Urinary Tracy Infection and it is spreading upwards to the Urinary Bladder. is one of the main causes of getting it. treatment seems to be simple now a days. collect morning sample of urine in an sterile container and get the lab test it commonly called as Urine- Routine and Microscopic examination. Simultaneously start taking Tb. Norfloxacine 400 mg twice a day. if it doesn't subside in three days get your Urine culture and sensitivity done from your lab. proper medication i.e. antibiotic can then be started. you can also add Syp Cital in the list of medication. Drink Plenty of oral fluids and maintain good Genital hygiene.

Would you find this question as a violation?

Generally, any questions regarding 'violent' subjecst such as suicide tend to be flagged by users on the site (whether rightly or not) due to the inherent violence behind it, even if it is merely regarding a news story.

What do you think of this picture?

a href=",r:13,s:0" rel="nofollow"…/a

My fellow music lovers, let us all unite in this Yahoo! Answers question?

Not really in context but you might like my band. Some of the bands you mentioned (MGMT, Empire of the Sun, etc) do songs that we covers sometimes. We have an album coming out soon, check us out. Http:// I hope that's not considered spam :/ Good list though!

How can I become more respected?

Some people tell me that I am immature and that they are embarred of me, I'm 13 so I should be on the brink of matureness but I don't seem to be getting there, all of my friends can actually control themselves as in like... be silly when they want to but then when they are like at school in front of all the like 'popular' people they can keep calm I can't and it's utterly embarring. Help! :o ( P.S: I need help, I do not need to be told that I need to be myself and that if my friends don't respect me then I should not be thier friends, but that is not what I need to know I need to know how to control myself and make myself a bit more like them.)

Help finding a dress?

I saw it in august 2009, it is a black bias cut floor length dress, close fitting, in satin. It has a cowl neck and back which reveals a scarlet red lining - i need to find this! it was part of the pret-a-porter collection, and i would like to either know more about it or know where i could find one. any info will help! thanks in advance.

How would you liberate the prisoners?

They would need a very good christian pastor to read the bible to them everyday and pray with them for God to forgive them of their sins. Make them understand the 10 commandments and that thy shall love thy neighbor and thy shall not kill!

What's a good tempo for Bach's Prelude in C minor?

I'd say the speed he was playing it in the video is right. It's supposed to move, but not be gabbled. I'd hardly say that was presto (as it was about 112) - more an allegretto. I play the presto at about 165-170 and the adagio much slower, almost without a feel of pulse and with an improvisatory air to it, and the final allegro a little slower than the beginning.

Car accident stats for when someone's on a trip that's not regular for them?

Is there a percentage or statistic somewhere that explains if it is more often that cars collide when someone is going somewhere they normally go as opposed to going somewhere they DON'T normally go? That is to say, do people get hit more often when they're on a route that is regular or usual for them, or do they get hit or get into accidents more often when they are going somewhere they don't normally go?

How many ions?

An ionic compound forms when calcium (Z = 20) reacts with iodine (Z = 53). If a sample of the compound contains 1.5 1019 calcium ions, how many iodide ions does it contain?

What are some more bands I would like?

You Me At Six, Spill Canvas, All Time Low, Blink-182, Fall Out Boy, The Killers, OK Go, Jimmy Eat World, Life House, The Maine, Mayday Parade, Papa Roach, Paramore, The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, Rise Against, Seether, Three Days Grace, Boys Like Girls, A Day To Remember, 3 Doors Down.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Where can I get calligraphy lessons?

I would like to learn calligraphy but I don't even know the beginning of where to look. I would be okay with either online or in person. Are there any cles in Bogota, Colombia?

Help I need advice to get over her I'm really depressed? (please read all Or at least most)?

poor guy im sorry umm im agirl so i an tell u how she probably feels...(move on she will come crawling back in no time when she realizes that u have more friends than her and u can move on she will see shes missing something great and she will come back

At what age did Rabbi Omer (RA) become Khalifa?

What all due respect, at what age did Rabbi Omer (RA) become Khalifa? Did Rabbi Abu Bakr (RA) have a will before he died? Are there any Ahadith that states he appointed Rabbi Omer (RA)?

How can i get my hair to grow?

Im 15 years old and when i used to live with my gma when i was a lil kid she ALWAYS cut me bald "skin Bald" cause she never learned how to cut hair. :( now that im older and i can learn how to do things for my self i always admire braids. well for some reason my hair wont grow long enough ( at the most half a inch. My mom says its because of my father who's hair didn't really grow that much. Is there any way i can get my hair to grow anymore (i don't really believe her) please help me

Did leonardo da vinci invent the thong?

Why yes he did, but back then it was called Pieta de Poo Poo. And, he invented the banana hammock too as seen in the Borat movie.

Who did the print design for footwear designer Olivia Morris?

anyone know who did the graphic design for Olivia Morris? The print work, not the website or photography!!! Thanks

Going to the doctor tomorrow?

going to see a doctor to check out my private area. was wondering what he might do.... its my 2 pebbles hurting... so thats what im going for.. was just wondering what maybe to expect =/.. thanks haha.

Need some legal advice for a speeding ticket!?

I'm 18 years old i live in Virginia. they ssaid i was going 82 in a 65. I was going with the flow of traffic when i saw the state trooper sitting i didnt think anything of it cause we were all going the same speed about i guess. So not thinking anything of it. I was getting out the left lane into the right because my exit was coming up. I seen the trooper because his lights were flashing and i said .. hmm was i going a lil to fast? then the trooper blew right by me and kept going so def didnt think anything of it. I was just about to get off when iseen the trooper had pulled off another exit ramp and waited for all the cars to p. He then got behind me and pulled me as i was getting off the ramp. I had illegel tint at the time . I think he might had just got me cause of my tint. i trully do not think i was going 82. I have removed my tint. and i have court tomorrow. What do you think the judge will have to say. My driving record is clean besides an accident and a following to closly ticket but that ticket is not yet on my record. Help i'm stressing!

How many jews feel the same about Palestinians as that rabbi calling for them all to die from the plague?

I certainly don't. However, I have very Ill feelings towards the Saudis and Syranians who don't try to send monetary or humanitarian aid, who use these poor people in a public relations war against Israel.

Describe the Nixon’s relationship with the PRC and the USSR.?

Describe the Nixon’s relationship with the PRC and the USSR. How was he able to have this type of relationship given the political climate of the time and his strong anti-communist background?

If you kidnap the Santy Claus & put him in a box, would you lock him up for 90 years & see if he still talks?

Nope... I'd tie him in a bag, throw him in the ocean and see if he is sad! =) I loved that movie when I was younger!

Met with an accident.... plzzzz helpp!!?

hmm well there are lyk not many home remedies, just put Neosporin on the cuts a few times a day and icing bruises and swelling always helps

Question about computer gaming?

The graphics card isn't too good for gaming tbh, get a HD4870 or something similar and you should be fine..

Anyone know of an inexpensive banquet room for a small wedding reception in Philadelphia?

I'm looking for a banquet/reception hall that is inexpensive. I'm having just my immediate family there only about 30-40ppl. Anywhere in philadelphia is fine as long as it doesn't look cheesy and my only request. I want something beautiful and inexpensive...please help me. July 2010

Acting like a terminator?

List some different ways for acting like a terminator in public. I will try this tomorrow at the mall!

How was "life" for you growing up?

Well, life changes. As we are spoiled, we suffer high prices too. I remember all my elder family members never stop talking about the low prices and how people use to love each other, without discrimination in the past. It was rare when people talked behind other people's back. There were better economy cirstances, and more healthy life. Getting a job was a way easier. There are a lot of stuff to tell, but in the end there are advantages and disadvantages for every era. And we can't stop progress and technology, but to know how to use it right.

Is Mitt Romney a Christian?

He is a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Which is the mormon church. Yes he is Christian. The Mormon church does worship jesus Christ. i was a mormon for 18 years, although I no longer am, but YES mormons are christians. They use the bible that every other christian religion uses, but they also use the Book of Mormon. They use both books, and both books recognize Jesus Christ as the savior.

Vertical jump: have I reached my maximum?

I understand after training your vertical jump you can reach a max. Like where you can't improve anymore. I heard you can reach your max by jumping alot. I started jumping and playing sports alot when I was 10 mainly basketball I also did plyometrics once a week in gymnastics but that was only once a week for a year when I was 8 or 9. When I was 10 I measured my vertical at 18 inches or so it climbed gradually im not sure how much but at 15 it was at like 24 inches or so. I played sports very rarely for the next two years. now at 17 its at 28 inches or with a running start 34 inches because I have been jumping again and playing more basketball. I never really have worked out my legs or done plyometrics steadily at all. I just want to know have I reached my max limit or could I start doing plyometrics and jump training and raise my vert. open to people who know about this kind of stuff. thanks!

Could people give me info about Mayan Long Count Calendar? And who have been the enemies of Mayans? Just spain

Spanish conquest of Mexico you know? Was that the only time? I mean i know in the film Apocalypto the Aztecs are the enemy of the Mayans but I wondered if there are any other ways I can portray people as their enemy in a film plot about the countdown calendar? I wondered if the Olmecs could be betrayed like the Aztecs were against Mayans in Apocalypto? I thought that every time a calendar writer writes in a bad date like 9/11/01, something bad happens to the mayans. Like the Olmecs take over their village. So I wondered if I could do that or was each date written every year or something? Or did they take years writing and writing and writing so many dates that it ended at 2012? I'd like to know more about the Long Count Calendar and how they wrote it? Thanks

Catholics only - Do you believe the host and wine ......?

Yes, I (we) Catholics do believe that the bread and wine are substantially the real body and blood of Christ after the consecration. The ONLY symbolism here is that the bread and wine are the outward signs that the reality of the real body and blood of Christ are present. Otherwise, this transubstantiation is NOT symbolical. However, the accidents of bread and wine do remain to also nourish the body as bread and wine. Without this belief, the Catholic Church could not exist. It is the real source of grace.

Problem with GTA Vice city?

I downloaded GTA Vice City & played but now when i play its get stuck & i have to restart the system when system restart thers a message "Ur sys has recovered from a serious error" why this happens? How can i play the game?

Can I display the National Geographic logo on a flyer?

We are having a movie night at school and I want to make flyers for it, and the movie we are showing is National's Geographic's Human Footprint. In the flyer I want to put the National Geographic's logo, is it ok to do this or is it copyright infringement?

ICW on Caws.WS?

I was wondering if someone could write me an application for ICW Wrestling group for shelton benjamin?

Narnia character???????????????????

Uh what gave away that it was a school ignment was the part were you said 200 words. sorry I would like to help but the teacher gave that ignment to you.

Could we have used HCl instead?

Wouldn't work, simple because silver-copper does not disolve in HCL..... you need Nitric, or Mercury, or even HFL which is why ore processing leaves such nasty environmental effects..

Do Displays of Vanity and Arrogance Annoy the Hell out of You?

already. can i meet this hottie? Not! just let him be. he's in this stage of life where everything is me, me me mememe syndrome. he thinks that it is such a previleged that he's a cool hottie. lol. it is natural for you to be annoyed but instead of harboring all this emotion you have to let him know that his attitude is annoying. once you blurted it out, he will think about it himself.

High school musical 4?

im not a fan of the movies, but my whole family is addicted to it. but i dont understand how a 4th movie going to be as apparantly good as the first 3?i mean triology, some movies survive, but the high shcool musical isnt that good. i mean look at the terminator series, they had such a down fall after the first 3 films. the only movie that probably can pull it off is ice age and shrek. am i the only one who has this point of view on films today?

Monday, August 15, 2011

Does anyone know if ephedra causes birth defects?

Before I knew I was pregnant I was on herbal dietary pills with ephedra and caffeine for three days. As soon as I found out I completely stopped taking them--think it will be ok?

Is anyone a receptionist for a GP?

I can’t understand why people aren’t looking online for a dam job in this country, especially when more and more employers are looking online for their new recruits. There are so many different sites for all different types of people. This is just an example for anyone who’s interested - - and because it’s online you don’t need to feel self conscious (if you don’t like the job move on). I think it’s a mindset, anyone in their teens will probably be drawn to the internet for work while those of us (me included) who are over 30 still think there is a ‘proper’ way to make a living.

Is College Experience overrated?

No! they are overreacting because they knew if he came back USC would be playing for the National Championship

Dose Marilyn Manson have a wife and kids?

i was just wondering because i REALLY like his music IT'S BITCHIN! and it just kinda struck me, plus if you know anything cool about him i would love to know it. HIS REAL NAME IS BRIAN HUGH WANSON... or somthing like that ... can rember how to spell his last name so i tryed....

Does anybody have any game genie codes for the snes game 7th saga?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

How do i connect a mike to a studio desk?

hey so im in college doing sound and production, 1 of the qu. were getting asked is 'describe how to connect a mike to a studio desk?' i wrote it the way we do it but got told it wasn't correct, can any1 save me? lol.

How to handle this situation?

Wake up. What she did to him, she will do to you also. Let the guy come. Get your girlfriend to talk things over with him alone. Don't get involved. End your relationship with her if she cannot end the other relationship properly.

My husband got pissed off at me because i slapped his daughter.....advise?

Ok my husband has a 12 year old daughter, she was a product of my husbands ual abuse he endured as a child and well we got custody of her but its been hell. All she dose is undermined me and calls me name's and tells me i am a worthless wife and that i am a ****. And well she think i am harming my husband which i am not he suffers from adhd,PTSD,Epilepsy,Depression and bi-polar. Me and my husband just go married back in March but we have dated/known each other for 12 years. And well she was going off on me last night and i slapped her, and my husband saw this and got very mad and started yelling and cussing at me. I know he is very very protective of her and everything. But i just don't know what to do, Advise?

My friends don't know who anyone is past 1980?

I'm 15 and i hate the thingsyou hate but i'm a boy :P Only one other friend knows the same things i know about pre-80's xD i was playing trivial pursuit and i got asked something about britney spears i i failed but when things came up from the history section i owned :P Its not weird its just difference in interest

Toshiba Laptop blue screen/no keyboard?

My friend asked me to look at his machine because he got a blue screen. He said he was watching a TV show when he fell asleep and he woke up to the machine making noise so he just shut it down and went back to sleep, the next morning the laptop wouldn't work (he also told me he has dropped the laptop a few times). Well, I am looking at it and the keyboard doesn't work. I was going to do a system restore but the onboard keyboard or any USB keyboard I try does not work. However, the weird thing is, I can turn the NUM LOCK on (and light) on for about 2-3 seconds and press either F2 (Bios) or F12 (Boot Manager) and get into those. In those, the keyboards do not work. I consider myself knowledgeable when it comes to computers and repairs, but I am lost at this point and probably consider it a motherboard issue but I would like to hear any suggestions you guys have.

I want to use Martha White Blueberry Muffin Mix....?

I want to use Martha White Blueberry Muffin Mix and make blueberry waffles. How can I do that? there isn't any directions on the package like the other muffin mixes put on there to convert to pancakes and waffles. Can someone help me? Thanks.

What are the chances of me having HIV?

Get tested ASAP I can only imagine how you feel, but just think of how great you will feel when it comes back neg. I'm sure you will be fine. Take it as a new lease on life and NEVER put yourself in that position again. You are worth more than that. Good Luck to you.

Can anyone with OSU experience help me with this?

You'll always make more money if you got college. Always! It depends on how much your scholarship is. If you live at home, you have cut off a big expense. This means you only have to cover tuition. Tuition at OSU is currently 8679 this year. This isn't too bad and it shouldn't be that hard to find scholarship to cover this. Even if you don't cover it all you can always take out a loan and pay it back when you get a job after college. I would definitly go to college! It'll postpone your having to grow up and enter the real world for another 4 years!!

Transfer ownership to LLC?

Yes, you can transfer ownership to an LLC after you get the mortgage. As long as you are the sole owner of the LLC. You can also transfer to a trust and that is probably easier than an LLC unless you already have an LLC formed and ready to take title.

Should I forgive my friend? (Good story)?

Geez, I would hate to be your friend..I mean you call this friend of yours a moron and not a smart kid...friends think the best of each other and you are not...I think this situation is stupid and you can't be more than 12 if you are trying to sneak into movies, so I would have to say you are the MORON!!!..and don't forgive your friend cause he doesn't deserve you anyway.


hello i need help putting together about 5 really cute outfits. they need to be winter/fall outfits my style is preppy. i like stores like hollister and abercrombie i love ugg too. however they dont all have to be from those stores please no fake uggs. and they all dont have to have uggs in them they can have like different kind of shoes too like american eagle moccasins. and the clothing doesnt have to be from those stores as long as its the same kind of style but if you could include a few things at least. i like nordstroms but unfortinatly they dont have it where i live and i like to try stuff on so i dont order things. can u put together outfits and have the links to show me. thank you soo much :))

Why symmetry elements involoving translation are not expressed in the external morphology of a crystal?

Translational symmetry is an aspect of symmetry. After you determine the crystal system, you use translation elements to determine the crystal cl or point group. Glide symmetry, for instance, means that there is translation along a mirror/glide plane, but this is at an atomic level. This type of symmetry is present in chain silicates (pyroxene, amphibole, etc). Screw axis symmetry is translation combined with rotation (180, 120, 90, or 60 degrees), similar to a spiral staircase. This is generally in framework silicates (like quartz). This combination of rotation around an axis and a translation parallel to the axis leave the crystal unchanged.

Stainless Steel Cookware with a white film?

Easy to clean with "Cameo" or "Bar Keepers Friend" available at most supermarkets in USA.Don't ever use Brillo or SOS pads they put micro scratches in the pan and cause excess sticking.My All-Clad looks new after 6 years NEW.

The Real Maverick family "McCain is Not One of Us!"?

I don't think there's a Disingenuous family, and since he likes that word anyway to project his own faults onto people like Michael Moore, that should make everyone happy. Except Palin, because she'll have to expand her vocabulary, you betcha.

Sending frozen goods through the post?

Hi. Need some advice on sending frozen items through the post. I will be sending out frozen boilies (carp fishing bait) to my customers by post. What packaging should I use and will postal/courrier companys actually send these kind of items? Thanks

Where can i watch FULL EPISODES of national geographic's Taboo online and for free.?

i need to watch the episode from season 1 titled tattoo for my final tomorrow and i cant get it anywhere!

Fantasy Baseball Question - - Who should I take with 3RD Overall Pick?

I would take Hanley Ramirez with the 3rd pick. The guy almost hit 30HR last year AND STILL had a load of SB's. If not him then Jimmy Rollins because he would be basically the same thing. Neither of the other guys you mentioned are going to give you that kinda production in 2 distinctly different categories except David Wright but I think his ceiling in stolen bases is lower than that of Ramirez or Rollins. For 2nd and 3rd round I think you should target Beltran and Maglio Ordonez. Beltran is ANOTHER 30/30 guy and that would give your team a FANTASTIC start, and I like Mags over Cabrera actually because he's already proven with a WORSE Tiger's lineup that he can get it done in a big way. If you take Hanley and then get Beltran and Mags is gone or your not big on him...I would go with Teixeira or Carlos Lee...absolute MASHERS and you wont need speed because you will already have two 30+ sb guys. So to recap...first 3 picks...if healthy and productive you can almost pencil in ATLEAST a total of 100 HR, 250RBI, and 70 SB...thats a REALLY good start.

Is Sarah Palin so maverick that she is the anti-maverick maverick?

How much of a maverick and an outsider can a politician be before she becomes the ultimate insider and conformist? Can an anti-maverick be a maverick? Can a maverick be an anti-maverick?

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Can i add these fish to my tank?

Those fish should be fine I'm a little reserved on the Glo only because they're not true fish and have been genetically engineered. The shark should be fine it being one of the Lebeo genus they are only Territorial with fish of the a similar species of which you have none, Red tail sharks sometimes get narky with red fish but its nothing overly stressful. I'd go with the cardinals as I find that over the past 10yrs or so they've been more robust than Neon's and are one of the only fish not susceptible to Neon tetra disease.

Help me decide between John Legend and Kem?

I would love to see both of them perform live, but I can only afford to see one. Kem is coming to Oakland next month with three musicians and I don't care that much for the others but Oakland is close. On the other hand, John Legend is performing alone but in Saratoga and it's far away.

Who will you vote for president out of the following?

McCain/Palin, Obama/Biden, Nader/Gonzalez, Barr/Root, Baldwin/Castle, McKinney/Clemente, Keyes/Rohrbough, LaRiva/Puryear or Moore/Alexander

What exactly is the essence of journalism? NEED ASAP?

I asked this mouth ago, and somebody put "To inform, educate & to illuminate." I was wondering if there was any evidence bout that or if u could explain why the essence of journalism that?? Thanks. Need ASAP!

Hughes lock and loaded for the Ashes?

Hughes will come up to the expectations his team has and is going to be one of the most dependable batsman in the near future. By hitting century in the first inning and 65 not out in the second, Hughes has sent the warning to the opponents of his high performance.

I need sum names and adreses of publishing companys that wil publish a 7 book series more info inside?

alright, to start off I am 16 yrs old and have been writing stories since the age of maybe 5 or 6. I have written many stories that were short and simple and to the point. not to mention the numerous amounts of stories that were never finished. I am working on a current story that is so far 60 pages barely on chp 2. I am 100% sure that this story is going to be completed. I have gotten all the major planning done and how nany books there are going to be etc. and etc. Now this book is going to have basicly everything from drama, romance, thrill, war, vampires, werewolves, hunters, betrayal, humans, action, adventure, basticlly a on the edge whatsoever going to happen next type book. I have been told by many people i should write a story and publish it and now I am doing so. My only concern is will my age or no professional history as a writer prevent me from making it as a famous writer? I have consolted many people ranging from 10 yrs old to about 60 on what they thought on the story line and they can't wait untill I get it published. A few kids my age even said it souns like it could be better than harry potter and twilight!!! (i am not expecting it to that big but around there most definatly) So with this known I want to get the most I can out of it! I want to get the best publishing companies to publish my soon to be series! I want to get the best deal that I can out of it. But since im still a kid (by law) I am worried the publishers wont take me seriously!!! Also the books are going to range anywhere from 435 - 800 pages long. depending on how much I feel is nessisary. also, I write fast but really efficently so i should be done with the draft of book 1. by the end of november! what should I do about editing? should I edit it myself and have a few family members edit it after or what? on top of that I don't want them to try and buy it from me for a few hundred bucks and its theirs. I want a certain percentage of the profit being made. make sense? I know I am writing something thats going to be huge and I want to make 100 percent sure i dont get screwed over by even the slightest thing (i would give more deatail but I am using a wii remote to write all of this and its very time comsuming)

What is the theme tune from the Kellogg's All-Bran Crunchy Oat Bakes advert?

The catchy tune " they're tasty,tasty,very very tasty,they're very tasty" has been used before on an advert possibly by Kellogg's but what was it?

Am I suppossed to feel bad for Ryan Dunn?

Ryan Dunn: A semi famous " Jack" that habitualy drove drunk, putting himself and countless others lives at risk. He finally achieved the inevitable and got himself kiled in fiery wreck. And I am supposed to feel bad for him? I feel more thankful for the lives he didn't take than I am saddened for him

Should I make this ESPN fantasy football trade?

ohhhhhhhh, hard, i wouldnt, u got good recievers, u dont need Houshmanzedeh. Jones is more valuble than him, hope this helped.

Who is the best NFL Head Coach to never win a Super Bowl? Bud Grant, Marv Levy, or Dan Reeves? someone else?

Bud Grant, Marv Levy, and Dan Reeves were NFL Head Coaches that went to the Super Bowl 4 times but came up short. The Vikings lost 4 Super Bowls under Bud Grant in 1969, 1973, 1974, 1976. The Buffalo Bills lost 4 in a row under Marv Levy in 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993. Dan Reeves lost 4 Super Bowls, 3 with the Denver Broncos and 1 with the Atlanta Falcons in 1986, 1987, 1989, and 1998. I'm surprised that Dan Reeves is not in the Hall of Fame, because Bud Grant and Marv Levy are. Anyway, who do you think is the best NFL Head Coach to never win a Super Bowl?

Should i continue with my story?????

Omfg... That was really really really good! you are the same age as me and theres no way in hell i could write something like that! wow I really want to read the rest, hopefully you are going to keep going with it....? I hope so. really really great.

How do you put SNES roms on your Motorola Droid?

I have the snesoid emulator, and astro for file management, but I can't seem to get the roms to download. When I click download (from I only get an encrypted page.

Why does the Bible say....?

push the earth and try to make it also saids in isiah that the earth will be moved out of its position and look what the earthquakes do...and in john it saids in the end of days the earth will be moved

My pitbull is a new mother and she wants to kill my new 2 mth old puppy i just came back with?

my pit is a black stiped pure american pitbull she just had a litter of 8 , 3 week old pupps and i just got this little house fluffy kinda pomeranian like weird mix but its tiny and fluffy and shes like 2-3 month old and she loves my german shepherd and the love is likewise but she tried to be freinds with my pit and she almost bit her head off .my pit is a yard dog and the little dog sleeps in the house my pit went all the way to the 2nd floor just to look for her (wich she ever does cuz shes scared of the stairs) so im afraid even after her puppies are grown up she still wants to kill it WHAT SHOULD I DO

Why use phenolphthalein as an indicator for a strong acid & strong base?

We were doing titrations today and my prac demonstrator said to use phenolphthalein to titrate NaOH (in the burette) and HCl (in the flask) we then calculated the concentration of HCl. However I have always been told to use indicators with around a 7.0 colour change point for strong acids and strong bases. How come we were told to use phenolphthalein which is generally used for a strong base, weak acid titration?

Am I on to a new discovery? Or have white men done this already?

actually you can do this with black women too as i found out, only in their case ya have to rest it right on their back and what's more if your neck gets sore the rear makes a nice chin pillow

Wouldnt it Be Better If ? Wq inside ?

even though i like that mania most of the people that watch r kids and they like watch stars they know so rating would go down

Did langston hughes have a wife or kids?

He wrote two personal memoirs - one was 'I Wonder As I Wander' - ask your librarian to order either of his memoirs and that should answer your questions about his personal life.

I am looking for a good orthopedic specialist in houston, tex.?

im gong to havesurgery on my upper neck area an a neurologist specialist will perform the surgery an i was told that i have a bad back an spine. so i want to see a good back bone specialist also before surgrey to finally get to the bottom of what could be going wrong with my back spine? i am going on my third back surgery.. im concern!!!

Is it childish to cry when am bored of my self?

Sweetheart, it's not childish at all. In fact, it's good for you. If you keep things bottled up inside you and don't have an outlet, then you can find yourself more depressed and sometimes worse off. NO, crying is not bad. Can you go back and finish your course? It's never too late. You sound very motivated and for someone who is as active as you seem to be, I can see why boredom would effect your life. I think everyone cries at times when they are bored and that includes myself. It's only natural. You do have to eat though. Sleeping a lot is probably your body's way of letting you know that you need rest from your busy schedule at times. Depression will also cause you to sleep a lot. Try reading, listening to music, not sad slow music though, Call a friend and go out to lunch or dinner, go see a movie with your finance, a comedy, not a tragedy. There are a lot of things you can do to make yourself feel better and being by yourself is not a good one. I sure hope you get over this boredom and depression. I wish you the best.

In Psalm 6. what type of couch does the Psalmist speak of? How was furniture made in that era?

a couch in those days were made of ivory or very expensive timber, it was designed to recline on, so people were able to sleep or eat whenever they chose to, the romans and greeks were also in to that sort of thing

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Wean toddler from pacifier?

My son is 2 and uses a pacifier at naps and bedtime. Three weeks ago we had a new baby and he uses a pacifier. How do I wean my older son without creating jealousy toward my new child? I would allow my older son to continue with the paci for a little but he rubs his eyebrows as a soothing technique whenever he gets it. He has actually rubbed the outer corners of his eyebrows off since he does it so much.

About how many calories have I worked off and eaten today?

Get a heart rate monitor and it will keep track of your calories for you. We cannot answer this for you because it all depends on the intensity at which you worked out. Two people can do the exact same work out you described and 1 person can put little or no effort into it and the 2nd person could have been at 70% cardiovascular capacity. It is safe to say that you have clearly burned off the calories you've eaten for the day - digestion alone plus your heart at resting rate would have burned off how little you've eaten for the day.

Hardy Boys: The Tower Treasure Help?

I need to find a simile, metaphor, or an example of personification in the book, but I just can't find one. I really need a one by the end of today. The first one who gives me an example of one of these gets best answer. Also, be sure to give the page number of the example you found please. Thanks a lot.

Advice Needed!!! PRETTY PLEASE!!!! WITH A CHERRY ON TOP!!!!?

Surely does sound like the Brit is a real a******. I would be very upset too. I would let the French guy know that you NEVER slept with the Brit guy and you are not that kind of girl so therefore you would never do something like that (just go off with someone and sleep with them). Hmmm, I am sorry for your troubles. It's very sad that people lie and start rumors because all it does is hurt innocent people. So let him know and just leave it at that. He will know the truth and then it's up to him to make the move. He will if he wants to. Set the record straight and give it some time. Good Luck to you and I wish you the best always. Peace :)

If gun control reduces crime, then why is Russia's murder rate so high?

Liberal gun control does not nor has it ever reduced crime in any way. Only the cry baby bed wetting gun hating liberals believe such a stupid thing as liberal gun control reduces crime. It has been proven so many times that liberal gun control does not reduce crime that one would think that even the stupid liberals would get the point after years of proof, but they just can't seem to get it.

Who do you think will win the wild card round, Eagles or Packers?

i think that packers d will dominate the game most of the time and they both are going to have to work hard on the offence to see who will become the wild card winners.

Can i overtake a police car?

Depends. If you exceed the speed limit to do it you will surely be pulled over. If you p him without going over the speed limit there is no issue. It is not illegal to overtake a cruiser going less than the speed limit.

Hmmmm.........................… only)?

I m going to be 12 this summer and i still havent gotten my period. my mom says soon, but i am a little scared. i dont know wat to do!! i is a little scared about talking a bout it.

What is the specific heat?

Suppose that you have 3 grams of a certain substance. you transfer 5 cal of energy to it, and the temperature rises uniformly throughout the sample by 1.1234 degrees C. It does not boil, condense, freeze, or thaw during the process. What is its specific heat?

I have a question about downloading pictures from my phone to my pc?

I have a samsung blackjack sgh-i607 and have tried to download pictures from the phone to pc but when i try it's says no connection. Anyone have any idea why or how to fix it? I don't have the cd for the ActiveSync so I downloaded it from the microsoft website. Would it be a bad usb cord?

Do you know how cool it would be to have real magical powers?

You could do anything you want and not have to worry about any potential penalties later on.You could even make your own rules,and if you heard about the system taking advantage of the little man you could use your powers to attack the people who ran the system and not have to worry about getting punished for it later on.You heard that song "I fought the law and the law won"Well this time you could make a parody of that song to express your triumph over the system.This is how it would go "I fought the law and uh I won"cool huh.Has anyone ever been to the academy of sorcery?Do they teach real magic powers?

What do you think of this poem? saddd?

A good poem but you need to get over both of them. Sounds like you have got a wonderful talent so put all your consecration into your art and get on with your life. They don't sound like people who would be any great lost. You don't need them in your life.

I want a headset for my ps3 which one should i get?

i already have a bluetooth headset and thats what i do not want,i was looking at an astro headset and i loved it but then i checked the price it was too dear the max i would spend would be 60euro

What is a volcanic eruption?

What is a volcanic eruption? (this is what my ignment sheet gave me to go by). A site would also help, thanks

My American friends says I am the most outgoing Asian man because I party with them. Why?

At my university, some of the Asians seem only to socialize with other Asians, so its difficult to get to know them. Perhaps they're saying that because they've actually had a chance to get to know you.

Girls answers only!?!?!?

ummmm is it possible to rate 1000000000000000545765765765756275627563… out of 10? GREAT SONG ! she'll love it,,i hope u get her back soon! u really love her and i could tell! she's so lucky to have someone so romantic like u to love her

Question for Jehovah's Witnesses regarding birthday party/family reunion...?

Okay, here's the story: I'm having an 80th b-day surprise party for my grandma. A portion of her closest family members are Witnesses. They have verbally agreed to attend the party and calling it a family reunion, because we are bringing together family from all over the country. Now I am about to print invitations and would like to know what I should put on the invitations to them? Should I just send the same invitations as I send to everyone else? Or, should I send them invitations saying something like this: ".....invited to a family reunion for the family and friends of Mrs._____ on the day before her 80th year of life." Or, something else entirely? It will not cost extra to have two sets printed and I don't wish to offend or deter anyone.

Is Paris going to learn to crochet,,in confinement like MARTHA STEWART?

Nope. Paris will be too busy whining and crying about how unfair going to jail is to do anything productive. Besides, in order to learn something, one must have more than two functioning brain cells, and we all know that she's only got one....and its dying of lonliness...

572 HEMI in an F-Body?

Say I wanted to biuld a sleeper, is there any way that I could fit a crate 572 HEMI in a 76-80 Plymouth Roadrunner (Dodge Aspen)? PLease no flaming, only serious answers. IF not please tell me the biggest engine i could hope of fitting in there.

Chemistry Equilibrium Help Please!?

Perhaps you are new to the way this system works. No one wants to do all of your homework for you. We'll be glad to help you when you get stuck on something. Like the first question. When you introduce a catalyst, the system comes to equilibrium quicker, but it does not change the value of Keq, nor does it change the position of the equilibrium. You'll need to actually work on the rest of these yourself. Then if you get really stuck on one or two questions, come back for some help.

Codependency... or something else?

Well it is characteristic of insecurity, or criminal behaviour. Codependency is your issue not hers.

Theres a girl hu i rli rli like who haas just split up with her boyfriend?

this girl says she thinks im hot and ive bin out with her bfore but she ended it but now she started saying she loves me agen and she flirts with me should i ask her out ????

Do girls really poop and fart?

A friend of mine told me that he had a girlfriend who would call him while she was taking a dump and farting. I've never heard or seen a girl do this, so I don't know if I believe him.

How would you handle a situation in which your family becomes divided over the death of a parent?

My mother just ped on. I was her caregiver. In the 13 years that she was with me, she may have gotten 4 cards and letters from my brothers combined and they only started visiting her the last hospital stay and they asked to have her house-way below market value or free. My mother had willed me the house. I convinced her to sell it instead and hoped she would've had the chance to frivolously spend the money. My brothers have accused me of killing her when I signed the DNR, faking the will (which is outdated but did state I was to inherit the home) and made so many public allegations the director of the funeral home refused to cremate my mother regardless of what her will said unless all five of us signed for it. Now they have demanded to see a copy of my POA, Health Proxy and will. All are over 20 yrs old. The POA and HP are void after death anyway. I allowed them to make the funeral arrangements and only went in when it was time to write the check-then they all refused to attend

Should i pick michael turner or adrian peterson with the first pick in my fantasy football draft?

A.P. hands down. He is the besr RB in the game today. With the vickings QB problems you know he is going to get his touches.

Die cast car question reguarding the 69 AMX Angela Dorian Model?

My friend has a diecast 69 AMX model car that is the Angela Dorian Model painted pink. It is in the case with the playboy of her and the car on the cover from that year. Any ideas as to the value of this collectible car?

What year prelude has a V6?

Im trying to get a prelude with a v6 engine already in it. I seriously dont want to go through a motor swap in the future...

Is this an idea for poorer countries?

I agree and it is a good idea but I think illegal immigration would still be happening in m numbers.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Female dog names for a black lab?

Me my sister and parents are thinking about getting a black lab. We all want it to be a girl. But we cant agree on the name. I like names that start with S for girl dogs. My dad wants it to be Lady (My aunt use to have a black lab named lady and my dad loved that dog) and my mom says whatever me and amy want and amy says she likes Sadie.

How do I get this girl who says she likes someone else to like me?

you should just leave her, for now be a good friend, be there when she needs you, then maybe she will change her mind, and if not then just leave her, there are a lot of other girls in the world. you cant get in the way of love ! :) hope i helped !


T2 for me, too! Lots of action, some actual dialogue, and, of course, Gub'nor Ahnold says, "I'll be back!"

Mitsubishi Montero 2003 active skid control system indicator lights turned on and the car is now sputtering?

Mitsubishi Montero 2003 active skid control system indicator lights turned on and the car is now sputtering as if to turn off. What could this be? I took to a couple mechanics. One says it is the catalytic converter and O2 sensors and also plus nad wires. The other says speed sensor. What are your thoughts? Please help.

My parents are Jewish. I was raised in the Jewish faith, and after exploring the field of biology?

and medicine, I have recently rejected all these absurd views and become an athiest. My parents are very frustrated. My mother feels my actions are disrespectful and "warped". For the Jewish high holidays, I am forced to go to temple (something I do not want to do). On Rosh Hashana, I refused to wear a yarmulke, a symbolic "cap", and received many dirty looks from the members of the congregation. I was also appalled at how the rabbi was able to call up all the younger children and have them bow before a "holy book" that they have never read. What do I do with my parents and the whole situation? I am a member of the scientific community and I cannot stand for any nonsense.

Did horrible in high school. Wanting to start over again (LONG QUESTION)?

You know what you want. You know the path. Just do it. You'll make it work just like you've made everything snce highschool work - because you have to.

Do you believe in love at first sight?

Have you ever been browsing the internet and came across a picture of someone who left a lasting impression on you that you started to think of them so much you'd also dream of them?! I read the person's profile too and they sounded so mature and nice but he hasn't been on since April 22nd, I'd love to feed my curiousity. What are the chances of him coming back ? I asked friends but they said NONE. I guess I'm hopeful.

I have a very sore shin and i am worried i might have shin splints. what can i do to prevent and treat it?

Unfortunately, shin splints are very common. Rest and ice are the best treatments (along with ibuprofen for pain and swelling). There are exercises, such as toe raises, that help strengthen that muscle around the shin and help prevent them, but mostly they're causes from running on hard surfaces. Make sure you have a PROPER running shoe (with a thick sole) and try to stay off hard surfaces.

Could i be pregnant this soon?

Ok first day of my lmp was jan 21 and I have a 21day cycle, so my fertile days were 1/26 – 1/30. The DH and I BD’d on 1/24, 25 & 26. This morning 1/27 when I got up for work I was extremely dizzy, very crampy like AF is here and last night my husband went to a friend house for about 15 minutes and when he walked in I got nauseous because I was able to smell his friend’s cat (his friend lives 30 minutes away). Could I have gotten pg on those days and implanted already to have symptoms that fast?

Who are the worst and/or most over-rated wrestlers of all time?

JOHN CENA!!! coz he sux! JOHN CENA!!! coz he sux! JOHN CENA!!! coz he sux! JOHN CENA!!! coz he sux! JOHN CENA!!! coz he sux! JOHN CENA!!! coz he sux! JOHN CENA!!! coz he sux! JOHN CENA!!! coz he sux! JOHN CENA!!! coz he sux! JOHN CENA!!! coz he sux! JOHN CENA!!! coz he sux! JOHN CENA!!! coz he sux! JOHN CENA!!! coz he sux! JOHN CENA!!! coz he sux! JOHN CENA!!! coz he sux! JOHN CENA!!! coz he sux! JOHN CENA!!! coz he sux! JOHN CENA!!! coz he sux! JOHN CENA!!! coz he sux! JOHN CENA!!! coz he sux! JOHN CENA!!! coz he sux! JOHN CENA!!! coz he sux! JOHN CENA!!! coz he sux! JOHN CENA!!! coz he sux! JOHN CENA!!! coz he sux! JOHN CENA!!! coz he sux! JOHN CENA!!! coz he sux! JOHN CENA!!! coz he sux! JOHN CENA!!! coz he sux! JOHN CENA!!! coz he sux! JOHN CENA!!! coz he sux! JOHN CENA!!! coz he sux!

Do white chocolate hershey kisses have an expiration date?

I've had them since christmas but i don't know if it's safe to eat them. And they weren't in the fridge, they were stored in room temperature

Netfilx issues with Blu-Ray?

I have a Samsung BD-P1600 Blu-ray player and when I turn it on it shows the logo than it say A and beside it says Youtube I am trying to get Neflix on it how do I do it I have connected a cable to roader I have got all the lastest Firmware but i still cant find it can anybody help?

What are Some Ideas for State Theme Parties?

I am trying to put together a play for state theme parties for a program I am planning for children. I have thought using Kentucky (since that is where I am from) and doing stuff centered around the Kentucky Derby. I am also going to do something with Hawaii and doing some kind of luau with crafts. I thought about doing Louisiana or Vegas but I am trying to keep away from things that are religious and I am not sure doing something with vegas would be appropriate. However, I considered letting them just play different card games or something. I want some more ideas though about different states. I just want to hear thoughts from other people. Just remember I need to be able to do a lot with it and it needs to be appropriate. Thanks for any and all suggestions!

What do you think will happen on Impact concerning TNA title?

They have this controversial title matches ever year in TNA, but what do you think might happen ? Personally they need to leave it vacant, put a gimmick match for Samoa Joe and Booker'T ( with Sting present so they can groom him for Bound for Glory), and they should give the title back to Samoa Joe and some how this turns the concern for a Samoa Joe vs Sting match-up at BFG 4.

I'm a 17 year old boy with 137 SYS blood pressure and 79 dia?

I'm not fat at all, 5'8 137lbs and athletic. But I wouldn't say I have the world's best diet but very high metabolism. So should I be worried about my high blood pressure?

Is 1. poverty 2. ignorance, the scourge of the modern world.?

The real scourge comes from the incessant killings of birds, animals and fish and careless exploitation of the Natural resources (air, water, Forests, Earth etc). If the Nations and individuals are made accountable the humanity is soon doomed. Poverty is the child and Ignorance is the mother of such unaccountability.

I need a male point of view on what to do.?

I am an attractive woman and the men that show interest in me see me as purely a ual object,just eye candy,I want to be relationship material what should I do. This question is rephrased from my previous question.

Howcome christians in america have problems with evolution or stem cell research but christians in Europe?

i'm not sure but i think it has to do with how it's done. It comes from aborted babies, which abortion and pre-marital is considered wrong, are the supply of stem cells. Though the fact that the technology is avalible, the means by which it's done goes against 'morals'. That is why christians are against it, i feel.

MMA and jujitsu ?

mma is a combo of mauy thai and bjj so u wouldnt need to take kickboxing with it, it would already be covered

What does (sn) mean on facebook and twitter?

It means sidenote. Sometimes people have two thoughts to be placed in one status. In addition, ASN, simply means "Another Sidenote"

Help me with an honest job please working through the internet.?

Yes, Ebay. But you should try Jobcentre too for advice. They might have options for people who wish to work from home.

What compromises the traditional family and why do some feel it under attack?

People like Rudy Guilliani and Fred Thomson who jump from womb to womb are a threat to the traditional family.

What is a text (or texts) for non-religious folks to refer to?

So...instead of investigating the claims of other faiths for yourself, you would rather stick to what you want to believe and have a book of your own to back up those beliefs that you can blindly follow without any further proof other than simply believing what the book tells you? That's called dogma. Then it would be called being a hypocrite.

Do you think it would be weird to have a hammock in a bedroom ?

That's a cool idea. Like the person above, make sure it is very well supported. You could really stylize the room with the color of the hammock. Good luck!

How can I make this more interesting?

If u want to create real interest start the book with a chapter frm the near end, expose a short scene full intrigue of what will happen before the end, from there start the story from the beginning... this will help create interest in the reader...

A day to remember's new music video?

the video i am talking about is "all i want". I want to know all of the bands/people in it. also at 1:10, and 2:09 is that Kenneth Nixon from framing hanley. Thanks in advance for the answers.

Does anyone think this is bad?

I was on the mirena for about 3 months and hated it because of the hormones-anways I steadily gained 10 lbs over that period without changing my eating habits. I am 5'10 and weigh 140 now - I've lost 5 of that so far- my question is - is 5-10 140 fat?

Are the Dodgers still living off their 1988 world series?

seriously, I know it's been 20 years but there doesn't seem to be a sense of desperation about reaching the next level...

Why is meat the only food source that really gives me energy?

Spinach and fruit salad really don't have that much protein. Try a eating some beans and cheese. Have some bread with your meal. Fruit salads always makes me more hungry. If you are a serious athlete then I think it is fine to continue to eat eggs.

A question about postpartum bleeding (i gave birth 4.5 weeks ago)?

You will continue to have pains for a few weeks, as this is your uterus contracting. The image you have attached looks normal to me, but you are right to keep it for your midwife. I hope all is well!

Is the perception of the American public is that a president can only protect you if they support a war?

I am curious about this question because it brings up the views of how we see our president and presidential candidates. I was watching a program on CNN and someone mentioned that the American public really only believes a candidate will protect this country unless they have a positive stance on some war somewhere. How many of you think this is true? I think back at Kerry and Gore and many people thought they would not protect America like Bush would. However, since when does war quantify safety overall?

Why sodium, potium and hydrogen ions can never form a precipitate ?

Sodium and Potium are both group 1 metals and, according to the solubility rules, are always soluble, and therefore can never form a precipitate (because even if they did it would just dissolve in the solution and not be visible). And a hydrogen ion can never form a precipitate because what would the formula for that precipitate be? Ions by themselves are not visible (You can't see H+ floating around, or H2 for that matter because it is a colorless gas). If Hydrogen did react with anything it would either form water (not a precipitate) or an acid (e.g. HCl, HNO3, H2SO4) which again, are not precipitates and wouldn't be visible.

How does paying my total car loan off affect my credit?

I recently got another car because I was having trouble with my old car. We went through Wells Fargo Bank. But this time my grandmother with A1 credit signed for me and I was the cosigner. Last time it was just in her name alone. I was told that the loan payments would affect my credit the exact same way that it affects her credit even though Im just a cosigner. For example if the payments are on time both of our scores will increase the same way. And if the payments are late even though I just cosigned it will still impact my score like I was the actual signer. Anyway what I want to know is how does paying the total car loan affect my score. Will it increase my score more than me just making the monthly payments or will it be the same. I have a small settlement coming in. If I decide to pay 10 months worth of payments will it boost my score a little more? Just curious on whether or not paying it off up front will give me a better score. Or should I just pay it month to month like I have been doing. Any serious advice will help. Thanks in advance!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Has this happened to you and is there anything that can be done about it?

the sender is forging the header to make you appear in the from line. Most email filtering programs will detect this sort of thing and send it to the spam folder. The sender does this hoping to byp the filter, but it normally doesn't work. I would suggest installing a more robust email filter.

Guys:Do you ignore girls you like sometimes?

Couldnt be bothered to read the description of your question but in a nutshell- Yes, guys do ignore girls they like, i do it all the time

Which is better to get signed: a football or a mini-helmet?

I'm going to the Arizona Cardinals training camp tomarrow and wanted to know which one Larry Fitzgerald should sign. :)

Best teen books....?

i love Sarah Dessen, Ally Carter, Susane Colasanti, Kristen Tracy. I need some other ideas for good books. I am like my friends 4 of them are asking for the same book....HELP!

I fancy guys but the thought of having doesnt appeal to me?

If it's any consolation, Catch. is a male and at 38 is still not 100% comfortable about gay (his first time experience being similar to yours in that it was really painful...Yes I know you're a woman but we're all the same species at the end of the day and the situation is comparable). Anyway, I think the counselling would be a really good idea for you - I went to RELATE's not just for couples but for anyone with any relationship difficulties, including being unable to form them like you and I. Don't feel silly. You should bear in mind that there are probably also people with much LESS important things to talk about too. If it's a big deal to you and is making you miserable, then it's important, OK? x John/Catch.

Do we need to modify an XBOX 360 to play games to play games found in thailand etc?

i got a xbox 360 but i live in sri lanka. you don't get the original games here. like for the ps2 you got to modigy it to play dvd games. do i need to do the same thing for the xbox 360. if so can i do it in new zealand?

Did you ever wanted to feel what it likes to be hypnotized?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Should i buy anthor horse or should i rent one like a school horse?

i own a 4 month old Colt my baby boy but any way i cant ride him or anything for quite a while and i want to learn more in the riding dep . because of age and i was wondering what i should do and id want to buy a mare if i bought one .also what would it cost to rent or lease a horse and basic cles i live in mt we live in the south west Conner of the state,

I REALLY need help with my acne!!!!!? im 13 and i have reaaallllyyy oily skin. i only get pimples on my t-zone area. i have about 5 or 6 redish not HUGE but bigish pimples on my forehead. and then i have 3 red ones on my chin and a couple around my nose. and then the rest of my tzone area is covered in tiiiinnnyyyy little skin colored pimple bump things....when i put on concealer and foundation their not that noticeable...but it your like talking to me like sitting next to me you can see them. i use cetaphil cleanser for oily skin twice a day. and on the big red pimples i use clean and clear acne spot treatment just on the pimple. ive been using this routine since about a week ago. nothings happening. the pimples on my forehead have gone down a bit but their as red as ever. i mean i know im a teen and im going through puberty and everything but its bugging me so bad. it brings down my self esteem arow to negative 100. my bad skin makes me feel so ugly. =( my mom said "oh sweetie your acne isnt that bad you dont need to go see a dermatologist. your just going through puberty and theyll be gone soon enough". we cant really aford to go to a dermatologist anyway. and we cant afford to get me any expensive products. but i do have a job and so i guess if thats what it takes i can buy a product that will help. but ive tried a lot of stuff....and nothings working..and my hope for cear skin is almost out. all my friends have clear beautiful skin and their my age and for some reason they dont get acne...uuugggghhhh I HATE ACNEEEEEE. everybodys like "oh use this product it works miracles" blah blah blah...i try it and of course it doesnt work or it makes my face worse...PPLLLEEEAAEEEE HELLLPPP MEEEEE!!!!!

Simple marginal cost question?

OK, so, I understand marginal cost as being the change in cost from one item to the next. Here's what I'm not sure of, if item X costs $2 but the second one only costs $1.50 is the marginal cost .50 or -.50? Also, if a 3rd item X costs only $.50, is the marginal cost 1.50 (the change from the original to the third) or $1 (the change from the second to the third)?

Chris Tarrant - arrested for throwing cutlery - is it right 4 policemen raced to the scene?

I think the cops are a complete joke. If they're not "accidentally" shooting innocent Brazilians on the underground, then they are being "quizzed" themselves over all sorts of allegations. This is clearly a small minority however, and in no way should reflect on the good guys on the force, however far too many are on a power trip once they get their badge and forget the reason why they got the job in the first place. As for 4 cops being needed to deal with 60 something Tarrant throwing some cutlery, give me a ******* break. They probably all heard it on the radio and wanted a slice of the fame. Meanwhile, a granny has been mugged, someone beaten up, a house robbed, car stolen, young girl drugged while this "celeb crime" was being dealt with. Police are not getting star struck, just getting wise to the fact that celeb cases are easier to handle and they might get a mention in the local paper...

Do you love the really old hymns as much as I do?

There's lots of great modern Christian music, but the really old hymns such as, "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing" are so incredibly profound and touching. What are some of your favorite old hymns?

Kerry King and Jeff Hanneman vs. Scott Ian and Dan Spitz?

Scott and Dan Are better. Jeff Hanneman is probably better than scott ian though. But spitz is better than all of them. And Kerry king just plain sucks

What does my dream means?

I had a dream about me and my husband inside a airplane. We only had one seat. Both of us squeezed in one seat, but it was very congested, than I moved to another seat, i sat their alone for little while and later my husband followed to a empty seat besides me. Usually, I am afraid of flying, I was getting scared in some part of the dream, but for rest my husband was helping me get over my fear. And in the dream plane was flying without any problems hitting the plane

17 yr. old student being weened from aide...?

A mini tape recorder to record his cles. I used this for a full load of cles for an entire semester when I needed to have my shoulder reconstructed.

Are Transuals Employable ?

Honey, Im a black female and I looooove transuals.... so fabulous and glamorous. I like to watch Ru Paul Drag Race. Idk, maybe because Im a . Mostly straight people thinks it wrong. I said MOSTLY not everybody.

Would promiscuous tennis players compete at the US Open Sores?

Yes they would. I'm not a fan of tennis unless it's the US Open Sores. I don't think the other two got the joke.

2 hours alone in a house and he still wouldn't make a move.... need help?

I have been dating this guy on and off for about a year and we've only kissed a couple of times and still only grandma kisses. he's struggled with his uality alot over the past few months so I let the past slide, now that he's finally figured things out and we're back together again I was expecting things to change. He came out as fully gay for about a month and then decided he made a mistake. He has way more experience with relationships and such than I do and has a rather promiscuous past so that's not an issue.We recently spent valentine's day at my house and were alone for over 2 hours with no parental supervision or anything. I tried to give him hints that I wanted him to kiss me without being to pushy, at a point we were inches apart on a bed in my basement and he still never made a move. I don't want it to seem like I'm rushing things or being pushy since we just got back together but I'm really frustrated with this situation. If anyone has any experience with this or any ideas on what I can do it would be grately appreciated thanks.

Was this a bad situation to cry? What are your thoughts on it?

wow, you really like her. you don't see many guys crying over a girl... but it's a good thing you did! it shows how much you truly care about her. =) it's normal for you to get nervous around her...but she won't get to know the real you unless you just open up... just gotta take a deep breath and go for it. you will never know if you never try... and if you never try you'll always wonder "what if".

The allelic frequencies for wing size was measured and recorded to determine if the population is evolving?

Why are you asking others to do all your work for you? I mean, I'd understand if you were asking for an explanation, but this is ridiculous.

Statistical Study Using High School Students!?

Replace GPA with things like: number of cocurricular activities, church involvment, hours spent working, etc. You could keep the tv hours, or replace it with gaming, family time, etc.

Weight gain?

i used to be a perfect size ten and now im a 14, my fella sys that he likes me now cos i have more of a figure but god i look podgy next to my size 8 friend! does anyone here think size 14 is too big? ive been told weight gain is a sign of contentment?

I've got Bernard Berrian and want to trade him for one of these WR's?

Of the three I would want Walter first, but I think you're unlikely to get any of them for Berrian given his history over the past few years. He just isn't fantasy relevant even with Rice out of the line up - especially with Favre playing poorly. Berrian isn't owned in any of the leagues I'm in.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Doesn't it annoy you when people criticize your typing?

I can understand when sum 1 rites like dis, but some people seem to look for any typo to act like a smart azz.

Girl Troubles: Please Help Me Out!!! How can I Woe her So That She Likes Me?!?!?!?!?

If you insist on stalking this girl you will have plenty of "woes". Facebook does NOT count as "having a conversation". It is pretty obvious she doesn't want to have any kind of real interaction with you, so forget it and get on with your life. Concentrate on school.

Turn signal don't work?

I have a 88 astro van, and my left turn signal works fine when the headlights are off, but when you turn the lights on the turn signal doesn't work.

Which team would win in a best of 7 series?

With all players in their prime, definitely the lakers. Pau was almost an MVP in his prime and Artest was a BEAST defender and a star in his prime. Fisher wasn't half bad and Bryant averaged 35 pts a game in his prime.

Do celebrities lie about their weight often?

Purely curiousity, because i was recently reading this article that revealed a lot of celebrities weights, and all of them seemed lighter than me, and i'm a lot smaller than them, not just bones but like height and obvious weight differences. And I know you all like to answer with "why do you care" or "get a life." But it's something that honestly sparked my interest and curiousity, so any answers would be appreciated. :)

Book recommendations?

Read Alice In Wonderland. Lewis Carroll was actually high while he wrote most of it so that's why it's so mad. I just find that really interesting.

Help! I am confused about Comodo Memory Firewall ?

I already have Firefox,ZoneAlarm Free Firewall,Avast Home And SuperAntispyware Lifetime Subscription.My girlfriend told me to download Comodo Memory Firewall.I have DEP Disabled.Do I really need this?Thank you all for your help.

Girls, what is the iest sport for a guy to play?

what kind of sport to girls find most attractive? i surf and snowboard a lot but what kind of sport do girls like guys to play/ do? thanks

What are you getting/doing for your mom for Mother's Day?

My husband and I are taking our mother's out to a very expensive dinner. I also bought my mom a Paula Deen copper bottom frying pan she's been wanting. We have no clue what to get out step-mom's though. It's always an awkward time of year. I'm always afraid our step-moms are secretly jealous of the nice things we do on Mother's Day for our moms. Any suggestions for gifts?

Converting music to remove drm?

Here you go, a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

I had to move all of my fish from my 36 gal tank into my 20 gallon tank. How often should I clean it?

do a 25% water change every other day and make sure the water is agitated also I'd recommend (if you don't have 1 already) to have air stones running (to make sure there's enough O2 in the water). I wouldnt keep them in the tank for long. Also dont be surprised if you have fish loss because of stress and extreme fluctuations in the water chemistry.

Ba + OH??/ Precipitate?

The equation is correct, n Ba cannot form a precipitate if react with OH, since Ba can only form precipitate in acid condition.It is hard to form a Ba ppt if it is not in acidic condition

Used '03 350z with Nismo branding?

Is it at all possible that this used listing I found for a 2003 350z is in fact a Nismo edition? I was under the umption that that trim only came in 07-08 models. However, the interior has customized accents that match the exterior (red) and it has Nismo stickers on the rear windows. I'm's the listing- a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

How do you make a strop for sharpening knives?

I've heard you use the suede side of some leather over a piece of wood. I've then heard you need to put some rubbing compound on it. is this true or do you not need the rubbing compound?

Where can I find Richard Ramirez and Don Henrie myspace layouts?

They are favs of mine and I would love to find a layout with them in the style of I have looks in places like satanspace, twistedsiblings and all4myspace and can not seem to find any anywhere. Please help and thank you! Have a great day/night/afternoon lol.

Is wood a good conductor of heat and electricity and what is its melting point?

Wood is an insulator, is not a good conductor as it has no free electrons unlike metals which are good conductors. Wood does not have a melting point as it burns when set on fire.

I'd like to do a benefit to raise funds for my granddaughters transplant Do I need to get a permit?

My granddaughter is in desparate need of a liver, small bowl, and pancreus transplant, and i'd like to do a benefit to raise money for her medical expenses. Do I need a permit from the City of Chicago?

How can Hugo Chavez be a dictator if he has won three consecutive elections?

Al of them were declared free & fair by observers. George W Bush was "elected" in the most blatantly rigged election in television history, yet people in America criticise Chavez for winning a democratic election time & again?

Prices on air conditioning leak and struts?

I'm looking for my first car and I found a car today in the paper.It's a 1995 Plymouth Neon for 800 dollars.The guy told me his wife owned it for 6 years and it only has 90 K miles.He did say it had an air conditioning leak and problems with the front struts?I really know nothing about cars but I was wanting to know if any mechanics or anyone that knows a great deal of knowledge about car parts could tell me of an approx. price to fix the two problems,and if it is worth it for my first car. Thanks in ahead.

I don't want to put my child on antidepressants right away, can the state make me?

i can understand your concerns reguarding medicating your son. not all people that start of medication for depression stay on it for the rest of your life. if medication is nessceary , then therapy should be included. some people are so depressed that they cannot respond to therapy with out the use of medication initially. if the therapy goes well , he may be weaned off the medication. if it was my son i would not like to see him on medication at such an early stage in his life. it also depends on why he he tried to hurt himself. was he under stress, is the stressor gone, also most people do not know that there are more than one type of depression. one is were it is called cognitive depression, were it is the way a person thinks, and processess events and cirstances around them that make them depressed. the other is organic depression were no matter what you do , therapy will not work, unless it is with medication. sometimes this is genetic. sorry i do not know if the state can give him medication against your will. i do know however, that my experience is , that if he were to harm himself again, you may never know. he may do ok without medication, but that can be a dangerous situation for you and him. if the doctor feel that medication , at this time, if the only answer, if something does happen, at least you cant fault yourself. this does not answer your question, but i hope it helps you. good luck

How would I cause a corona discharge around a gear?

Simply get a metal gear, and connect it to a 50kV or so power supply. If the voltage is too high, it will arc over. Otherwise, you will get corona discharge. You also need to mount the gear on an insulator that can take the voltage. An old color TV set makes a good high voltage power supply.

What is the best way to restore the nap on a suede seat of a western saddle?

I am putting my saddle up for sale in a consignment shop. I tried to use a suede brush to spruce up the seat, but it left a "scratchy" effect instead. Any suggestions? Thank you!

What type of experiment could you do?

Maybe raise a colony of aphids with ants and another colony without them, under otherwise identical conditions, and see what happens. If the ants are parasitic, the aphid colony without them will do better (have more members, healthier members, etc.). If the ants and aphids are symbiotic, then the aphid colony with ants should do as well as or better than the other colony, depending on whether the dangers the ants protect the aphids from are included in the experiment.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

AFL: The Brownlow Medal?

What other awards are given out. Are there awards for, best player for each position, coach of the year, rookie of the year, best player voted by the public?

Can i fight an auto judgment after so long?

I had just moved to Orlando, FL in 2001 or so. I was involved in a car accident and still had my New Hampshire valid license and tags. I didn't have insurance at the time. I was rear ended and spun out on the highway in Orlando. The state trooper, who didn't see the accident occur, said it was an illegal lane change, even though I was the car in front and used my directional. I was then sued for $7,300 after i moved back to NH. I recently went to buy a house and this judgment made the deal fall through. I understand FL is a "no-fault state". My vehicle was totaled and I received nothing for damages. My question is how can I fight the judgment without paying the full amount. I was never notified of this being sent to my credit and ruining everything for a measly car accident.

Song about not being able to find love? or somethign like

okay so yeah i feel a bit lonely..and im lookin for songs that are abut looking for love..why its so hard..etc..nothign to sad or else il cry lol turning 23 soon and never had a yeah it a bit depressing right now..

Swine flu in indiana?

well my kids go to public school here too and knowing the school system in our town and even though they had double the kids out sick last week than last year at the same time, it would take the president to close them down but don't hold your breath.

2002 vw jetta check engine ?

The misfire codes,p03.. are from your vacuum leak you fixed the problem so that's why your car is running fine now. The p1780 code is a problem between the trans and engine. The control unit was probably seeing the misfire and could not set the trans to sync with the engine when you fixed the misfire it probably reset as well.

Questions to ask in defense of affirmative action?

I am having a debate in my Sociology cl. My position is Pro (yes) for affirmative action. I would like to know any good questions to ask the opposition in support of affirmative action. I am not asking you for direct help but any clues or hints will be appreciated. Thanks.

Help on yzing a macbeth quote ?

Lady Macbeth is exclaiming her excitement that Macbeth is now in higher positions (and she knows it is possible he may become king if this is after she learned of the "prophecy") However she is scared that Macbeth may become too powerful even for her (which essentially happens when he doesn't care about her when she dies in the end. Also, in the beginning they both pionately love each other, however with the addition of power to Macbeth's status, their love dwindles as the power pulls them apart). I don't quite remember the theme...I think it may have been something along the lines of "Be careful what you wish for." but there are many themes to this anyways!

Is anyone tired of the songs "Boom Boom Pow" and "I gotta feeling" by the Black Eyed Peas?

I loved them at first, But now they play them on the radio so often that I can't stand it! It is so annoying! And I hate it even more when its playing on one radio station and then i change it and its the same song!!

Macbeth Shakespeare?

Shakespeare ends Act I with Macbeth and Lady Macbeth plotting the murder of Duncan. How exactly do they plan to kill him?

I feel like somethings wrong with me, guys(well the ones that i like) don't like me and its kinda depressing a?

I never really had a bf so u can say im romantically illiterate.I'm kinda picky and i guess i get turned off easy by certain things but with guys i feel that guys i like they don't really notice me or don't like me becuz they think im weird or crazy and ppl tell me to wait, but my patience is getting pretty thin. I wud like 2 be more social but I dont want 2 look desperate or like a weirdo. HELP ME

Looking for a movie that has it all?

I just watched the movie "Curse of the Golden Shower." Boy was I was pissed off. Urine in for a real treat when you see this film.

Dallas Cowboys offense....?

I want to say yes, but the answer is no. The O line for Smith and Aikman is what made them one of the best ever.

So the wisconsin union is an insurance scammer, does this explain their actions?

Well, OF COURSE they operate illegally. That's a given, but the reason GOVERNMENT workers are fighting to put a bigger squeeze on the working cl taxpayers who earn 2/3 as much is simply because they're Democrats.

If you could make your own Heel or Face Stable..?

heel stable with, Orton as the leader, along side, Sheamus, CM Punk, and R-Truth, if Punk dont count then Del Rio in his spot

Essentials for a highschool bag?

honestly, it will probably be best for you to just bring the basics (pens, pencils, highlighters, notebook, lip gloss =]) for the first week or so and improvise/edit/improve after you've had a little time under your belt.

Is the movie called astro man?

ok so i cant remember the name of this movie but its really has parts like a monkey is involved....he used all the food to make a painting....and he drives everybody crazy

Brett Favre playing 'a couple more years'?

I heard rumors that Favre is talking about a 'long term deal' with the Vikings extending past next season. The guy might be planning to play until he is 45 or so? Seriously he is talking about extending the contract 4 or 5 more years.

What are examples of figurative languaga and diction in the short story the lottery by shirley jackson?

i have a short story called The lottery by Shirley Jackson. I need some example from this story such as imagery diction and figurative language. Another thing i need is evidence from this story to support the tone of this story which is Somber meaning dark gloomy

Do you think he likes me? I'm not sure...?

He wants to do you in the . Ask him " at ma place big boy?" and when he says yes, show him your ies... Boys llloooovvvveee ;)

Physics Question?

The police are investigating an accident. They have determined that the m of car A is 2275kg and the m of car B is 1525kg. From the skid marks and date for the friction btw tires and concerte, the police determined that the cars, when they were locked together, had a velocity of 31km/h at angle of 43 degrees north of the eastbound street. If the speed limit was 35km/h on both streets, should one or both cars be ticketed for speeding?

Can i be 15 and 8 months to get a learners permit?

Sorry Raza. You can't apply for your G1 licence until you turn 16. But you can study for it and be ready to write the exam on your 16th birthday though.

Atkins type diet has anyone tried it??? advice please!?

I lost 30 pound in 2.5 months with this diet. Its not something you can stay on forever but works great. Carry some mints with you in case you get lightheaded from low blood sugar. If you need to lose weight fast this is the best...good Luck

Are these players worth picking up???(3)?

Storen is the new starting closer in Washington, really worth a pick up. Same case with Perez being the head closer in cleveland. Of the two i would take Storen because of skill and because the washington win % is a little bit higher. Just more SV opportunities.

What are the best downloads for unzipping just about anything?

Freeware would be nice, please. Right now I'm using alzip, but then there's so many more out there I know that can do a better job, and not take up so much space, just for unzipping. Any advice?

Since Obama forgave Bill Ayers for what he did when Obama was nine, does this mean Obama will forgive Osama?

Obama states that he was only nine at the time Bill Ayers bombed the pentagon and the capital. So all is forgiven. Does this mean in twenty years if Osama Bin Ladin is still alive, all will be forgiven and Obama will give his daughter's hand in marriage to ol sammy been ladin?

Why does this girl act like this?

There are alot of guys and girls and who are best of friends, some times they dont have feelings with each other. But as times began to change girls or guys began to feel affectionate. So take it slow, if her bf breaks up with her You can be her shoulder to cry on . Take it away from there =D

The power and wealth of the West African Kingdoms of Ghana, Mali, Songhai rested in?

So what has this question got to do with Football. I know Ghana has a very good young football team, Mali is very average. Songhai was an empire and is divided into many small countries in West Africa. Most of these countries are locked in power struggle leading to civil wars and corruption. Most of it has got to do with the natural resources.

A philosophical question of sorts. . .?

Neither, it will be biological if we are talking about human evolution. A technical advance would be a clified as technological, not human.

Why is much of the sacred words of the ancient Egyptian faith found within the Hebrew and Christian religions?

Christians believe that their faith poofed into existence. Actually it did not. All the beliefs from the civilizations were incorporated into the belief systems of the Jewish tribes. Christianity took over with Bro Paul's Jewish - Christian ideas. It took hundreds of years before christianity came into being. All of the christian religious views were plagiarized in order to keep the people under the influence of ideals that they already understood. That is one of the many reasons why its all so confusing with so many different ideals.

What chipsets do the current Xbox 360s have?

I'm probably buying an xbox 360 arcade directly from microsoft but I was wondering if they are selling the "jasper" models or are they still selling the "falcon" ones? Also, will i be able to send it back for free if microsoft sends me a falcon model (which i don't want)?

Christians, what is heaven like?

I am considering wether to be born again or not, and I want to know what heaven will be like. Though many past cultures believed that gods lived in the clouds, many people have now been there and have shown there to be nothing up there. If this is the case, how does the stereotypical heaven in the clouds with winged angels measure up to the true image of heaven. If I repent and die, will I be prancing around in the clouds all day? If so, what will happen at night. I also hear that heaven is in a region of outer space, and that I will be born again inside of a spaceship as an alien when I die. Still, others suggest that I will enter a parallel universe at death and fly around this majestic castle like some iridescent amoeba with my former face inside of it, having fun bouncing around like some lunatic. Others tell me that there is no heaven, and that all souls are hell-bound. Please, someone enlighten me on what heaven is like. Also, please suggest to me the best church/religion

Is there an independent collective universal mind? If all life dies out, can mind still exist on its own?

You are mixing levels. In the temporary world we define life in certain ways. You could even say it's in electrons revolving around nuclei. The Spirit creates.

ATM machines and exchanging foreign money?

If I bring like 300 CAD to an atm machine, can it exchange them for USD? If so, do I need a bank account or atm card or anything else required?

Monday, August 8, 2011

Do you agree with Matt Damon that the Bush twins should go to war in Iraq?

Robert De Niro and Matt Damon will be on Hardball next week, and a teaser clip has been released, including this tidbit.

Hmm this girl is Confusing.?

Ok so i used to know this girl she (was a fish and i was a junior )at my old school and we always flirted and stuff, but the next yr i changed schools and just recently we started texing more. It hasnt even been that long and after she was teasing me by text she was like "mmmhmm suree :). i love you:P" we havnt even been talkin bout anything serious so what does she mean by this?? lol im confused

China’s cyber army is preparing to march on America, says Pentagon?

I dont think its realistic. The real truth is China is long on bodies short on technology. They have no real blue water navy. With all the cash we send them on a daily basis in a warped trade relationship they are investing in a military but is this an immediate threat I dont think so.

Am I bulimic? Please help.?

If you don't stop, and see a DOCTOR, then your gonna die. Or have an organ failure, contract a strange disorder, or get SERIOUSLY ugly. I too am unhappy about my weight, but I'm smart enough not to make myself throw up. Just quit! Throwing up+low self esteem=FAIL! If your worried about what others think of you, listen to your friends, they're "others". And one other thing, my friend is now hooked up on a machine and had to get many surgeries/medications to help herself live now because she threw up so much, for so long. Don't make $h!t out of your life, actually it's better to make $h!t then barf.

Do you believe that unicorns eat skittles and poo rainbows?

Well, I know this is stupid for a junior to talk about this but you know you got to have fun in your life besides studying for the senior year final exams. So my friend ( freshman) believes that unicorns eat adults and poo babies. I personally think thats just... not right and rainbows are awesome! So do you agree with me?

Apophis asteroid April 13, 2036?

So if in 2029 it does get to the "keyhole" what will the government do about 2036. I know lots of you think its very unlikely but its possible and thats what gets me thinking. What will the government or earth do about this. Will they somehow try to evacuate the earth, or prevent this.

Could my kitten have more than just allergies?

I think my kitten has allergies but I'm concerned it might be more. I'm hoping to get a hold of a vet tomorrow, cause I think that's the only time they're open. I'm not sure how old he is, but a good estimate would be around 8 to 10 weeks. He started sneezing a lot about 5 days ago, but here recently, his nose seems to be congested, or at least that's what it sounds like. He has a hard time breathing though everything else seems normal. I can hear him breathing hard when he's awake but not when he's asleep. Could it be more than just allergies?

Why do people need drugs?

Of course the drug war is failing - the consumer society we live in which constantly pressures people to always have more is to mostly to blame. Also partly to blame (speaking of alcohol here) is the expectation that everyone has to be funny and charming as if they had no problems in the world - I mean nobody wants to go to a bar and hear their mates whinging about how sh*t life is, right? The only way for many people to slip out of the rat race is through the escapism of drugs, and the only way that drug use is going to decrease is if there is radical change in the way our society functions... I think the horizon is looking bleak in regards to increasing drug use.

Does Y! Answers delete questions without review?

I've had two legitimate questions which provided useful information to the community deleted because apparently they offended someone. As of yet, I have written to Yahoo to request which rule in their 'violation of terms' was broken but have received no reply. Do Yahoo moderators reply to these requests? The email states that they do . . .

Okay, please tell me to settle a fight. (easy best answer, but long read, plzzz read)?

What ever you do next get it on camera. Put it on YouTube or yeah I guess you can use it as evidence.

Spiritually Speaking: When will ALL religion disappear ?

religion is generational . the new generation learns it from the last generation. if it were banned. the ban would not work. everybody has to agree religion is bad. that will be the only way to get rid of it. R/S reflects some what the religious views of the world. atheism is the frontier. the religious, the spiritualist, the supernaturalist, all seem to need these stone age ideas. maybe evolution has not come that far. maybe atheists have mutated. LOL

Is the ECW Championship actually a world championship?

I mean it's the only championship on the ECW brand, so it's supposed to be a world title. The ones who challenge for it or hold the title are ECW's main eventers. But i'm not sure about the ECW Championship being a world title, because sometimes they act like its a world title, but sometimes they act like it's a title just like the IC or US title. It was a world title when RVD held both the ECW and WWE title. It was a world title when Bobby Lashley, Mr. McMahon and Jack Swagger were champions (remember when Jack Swagger faced John Cena, champion vs champion match). Also when Big Show was champion (remember ecw champion big show vs wwe champion john cena vs world heavyweight champion king booker). It was a world title when undertaker had to choose between the 3 top titles for wrestlemania in 2007. But lets face it, it was not a world title when chavo guerrero entered the royal rumble being champion and unlike the wwe and world heavyweight champion, the ecw champion doesn't always defend his championship on a pay-per-view. The money in the bank winner never cashes in the money in the bank on the ecw champion, that's the reason why Christian didn't win because he would most likely be the first to do that. Royal Rumble winner never chooses to win the ecw title at wrestlemania. And many people in WWE are not interested on ever winning the ECW title so to me it's not a true world title. Most of the former ECW champions went on to become a midcarder again when they move to either Raw or Smackdown. Only a few has gone on to win the World Heavyweight Championship like CM Punk.

Would you do this trade?

Your other 3 backs are great and the rest of your receivers are good so I think it would be worth it to trade so you can have a pretty good option at the QB position.Tough letting Bowe go but who would give up Manning for nothing?

What are 6 good lotto numbers should I play?

Since the lottery is a game of chance, there are not any "good" numbers to choose as the numbers are chosen randomly. The best way to win at playing the lottery is not to choose any numbers and keep the dollar in your pocket. This way you win one dollar (the dollar you kept).

How should I describe my characters personality?

You can do minor additons throughout the story of her likes and dislikes, etc. Maybe have a scene where Alicia and Jane are having breakfast and Jane asks Alicia about some of her favorites. This could be a way to get some of that info across. You've already got some physical description in there, so that's good. You can also maybe have a shopping trip she goes on where she hears her fave song or goes out for her fave dinner. Something. Maybe some info can be disclosed when she becomes friends with the Brook and Clark siblings. There are ways to add it in without it being an overload of info. :-)

Which is better? Alloy pull brakes or Disk Brakes?

I know that disk brakes are more expensive.... but i don't have any experience with them. I don't have any good past experiences with pull brakes either. So should i pay the extra money for the disk?

Are American Fundies more prone to obesity? ?

Not really. I went to a non-Christian service last night, and many people there were quite obese. I also know some obese atheists, Pagans, Jews and other non-Christians. It's more of a national problem than a religious problem.

Good chicago restaurants?

My dad is coming to visit me in chicago, and I am a student there, so I know of some places to go for dinner, but most of the places I know are little mom and pop amazing quick eating kind of restaurants and he wants to take me out to a nice dinner, and due to my budget it's not necessarily like my friends and i are out exploring the local restaurants. We usually go to the Fireplace Inn, but I wanted to mix it up a little bit. What are some good places I could take him (that aren't chain restaurants) but that will be fun to take him to?

There any websites that can help me find UGG boots size 9 for 60 dollars other than ebay or craigslist?

please i don't want an answer like "this is impossible" or "go to a flea market" please just give me a website that doesn't have spam or that cheats me with like a 50 dollar shipping. thanks, (:

A salute to the Sub Continent...?

Yeah if you observe asians have dominated cricket for the last three decades. 88 worldcup won by India. 92 by pak 96 by srilanka 99 pak in the finals came very close to winning 2003 india in the finals 2007 srilanka in the finals and the two T-20 world cups. Only the asian teams have been playing the finals. Great era of domination by the asians I must say.

Dying Cheetah Spots In Hair?

I found a picture on Google with this chick who had a cheetah pattern in her hair! I thought it rocked ! Anyone know any how to's?

Workouts. Can I get a six pack and nice chest doing these?

drinking water helps but not that greatly, just increases the amount of fluids that go through your body. No real way to speed it up if you're really working out/exercising that often. If you can do cardio after you work out or in the morning so it can burn the optimal amount of fat, make sure you're eating healthy, especially protein. You'll also want to add bench press for your chest (best exercise) as well as incline/decline if you can. Make sure you train your back too, traps, legs... you don't want to look imbalanced. When you do push ups you can switch it up by doing diamond push ups, or put your feet on a bench and make sure to keep your back straight, knuckle push ups too. your ab workout looks good enough, just need to cut down on body fat for sure. try doing sprints instead of jogging, HIIT (high intensity interval training). IDK i lost my 6 pack like 6 months ago tryin to get it back

If you ski or know about sking please help!?

My boyfriend is an intense skier, and his birthday is coming up. So I purchased him a ski/snowboard tuning kit. It has Wax and a screw driver thing, and just a bunch of little tools. You do need this kind of stuff for skiing right? and is it something that a skier will appreciate?

Is Switched on School House a good curriculum?

I am wanting to try a computer based curriculum for my 5th grader.Is this a good one and how do you keep records for a portfolio rewiew if needed?Do you print out end of chapter test or does it grade you child and give you some sort of printable record?Any information would be greatly appreciated.

Is Barry Hall to much of a thug to be playing AFL football?

Even if the AFL suspend him for 6 weeks, he's going to be out longer with that broken hand, the AFL should wait until his hand is better then give him his match penalties.

Is there a statistic that shows that minority groups tend to be more religious than whites?

by minorities i mean african americans, asians, indians, and others (other than whites). where can i find a statistic to prove this)?

What does it mean to dream about crocidiles or alligators?

i had a dream that my friends baby had a crocodile or an alligator inside of his stomach! somehow we cut the baby stomach open and there was a the crocodile or alligator? can someone please help understand this dream... i know it mean deceitet or false friends!!! its pretty funny cause i dont trust my friend that was in my dream... she seem shady like shes hiding something... PLease Help

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Can anyone suggest any Bands/Artist? (90's through present preferably) ?

Bands/Artists I like, David Bowie, Elton John, Beatles, Queen, Dire Straits, Supertramp, Journey, Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, The Shins, U2, The Who. Maybe someone alt/indie, Thanks :)

Is Shaq the answer for the Suns?

I hope he is , I really want to see the Suns win the championship, but am a little dissapointed that if they win it will be without Marion. What do you think?

Peterson,Turner,Forte or Jones- Drew?

I've got the #1 pick this year,but I'm just not sold on taking Peterson.He fumbles a lot,gets hurt easily and doesn't score all that much.I like Turner,but he doesn't catch a lotta outta the backfield either.Forte looks good on paper (does both,runs well AND catches ),but I'm not so sure about him and Jones-Drew has a weak offensive line in front of him.It's a tough choice this year.The Bears have the easiest schedule overall,but the Vikings have a very easy first 5 weeks.Peterson and Turner might be the best 2 picks overall,but I'm leaning towards Forte.Who should I pick and why?

My uncle wants me to become his wife on his wedding anniversary?

Hey I am a 20 yrs young male, living with my uncle.My Aunty expired last year only.But my uncle wants me to dress up as his wife on his wedding anniversary day to keep memorise his wife. Uncle wants me to dress up properly as he is going to call his friends & they all know that plan. But I don't know what to wear dress,make-up & ornaments. Uncle took promise from me to become his wife for that day. So please help me to sort out this solution. And one more thing is my name is Rajkumar, but uncle wants to change my name in feminine, but he don't like the name Rajkumari. So can u suggest any feminine name of me.

Where should a Shirley Valentine go?

Somewhere to chill out, warm, atmospheric, cheap and able to blend into the culture comfortably or better still get work there.

Do modern discoveries in Cell Biology prove that literally Everlasting Life is possible through Jesus' Name?

Defining the aging process as solely the absence of "telomeres", contradicts Genesis 2:16-17, whereby the whole of man's flesh was cursed with death.

Desiging a procedure to calculate the Molar Enthalpy of combustion of Ethanol or Paraffin?

So how will I calculate the molar enthalpy of combustion of these two substances? The thing is that I only know how to make a simple calorimeter (a styrofoam one) and I have to carry out the procedure in cl. Would a simple calorimeter work? cause I won't be able to measure the change in the water temperature...

Should I get this for my wife?

Is it even legal to own an alligator as a pet where you live and is your neighborhood zoned to allow such pets? Might want to check that out before you go and bring it home. As a 24 year old woman, I can say that there is no way in hell I'd want a pet that could kill me - or any of my other pets for that matter.

Do you think Kevin Nash and Booker T going to WWE was a blessing in disguise for TNA?

man the Fourtune vs Immortal feud is getting GOOD!, last night Impact! was great, it was actually entertaining

Is this a stupid idea ?

I really want to die my hair but my mom wont let me. Its like milky chocolate brown colour and i wanna die it really dark brown so i was thinkin .. see im going to my cousins for a week and i wont see my mom so if i buy hair die there and then die my hair will she notice because she hasnt seen me in a week. & will it be very obvious when the roots start showin ? Thanks (: