Sunday, August 14, 2011

I need sum names and adreses of publishing companys that wil publish a 7 book series more info inside?

alright, to start off I am 16 yrs old and have been writing stories since the age of maybe 5 or 6. I have written many stories that were short and simple and to the point. not to mention the numerous amounts of stories that were never finished. I am working on a current story that is so far 60 pages barely on chp 2. I am 100% sure that this story is going to be completed. I have gotten all the major planning done and how nany books there are going to be etc. and etc. Now this book is going to have basicly everything from drama, romance, thrill, war, vampires, werewolves, hunters, betrayal, humans, action, adventure, basticlly a on the edge whatsoever going to happen next type book. I have been told by many people i should write a story and publish it and now I am doing so. My only concern is will my age or no professional history as a writer prevent me from making it as a famous writer? I have consolted many people ranging from 10 yrs old to about 60 on what they thought on the story line and they can't wait untill I get it published. A few kids my age even said it souns like it could be better than harry potter and twilight!!! (i am not expecting it to that big but around there most definatly) So with this known I want to get the most I can out of it! I want to get the best publishing companies to publish my soon to be series! I want to get the best deal that I can out of it. But since im still a kid (by law) I am worried the publishers wont take me seriously!!! Also the books are going to range anywhere from 435 - 800 pages long. depending on how much I feel is nessisary. also, I write fast but really efficently so i should be done with the draft of book 1. by the end of november! what should I do about editing? should I edit it myself and have a few family members edit it after or what? on top of that I don't want them to try and buy it from me for a few hundred bucks and its theirs. I want a certain percentage of the profit being made. make sense? I know I am writing something thats going to be huge and I want to make 100 percent sure i dont get screwed over by even the slightest thing (i would give more deatail but I am using a wii remote to write all of this and its very time comsuming)

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