Saturday, August 13, 2011

How would you handle a situation in which your family becomes divided over the death of a parent?

My mother just ped on. I was her caregiver. In the 13 years that she was with me, she may have gotten 4 cards and letters from my brothers combined and they only started visiting her the last hospital stay and they asked to have her house-way below market value or free. My mother had willed me the house. I convinced her to sell it instead and hoped she would've had the chance to frivolously spend the money. My brothers have accused me of killing her when I signed the DNR, faking the will (which is outdated but did state I was to inherit the home) and made so many public allegations the director of the funeral home refused to cremate my mother regardless of what her will said unless all five of us signed for it. Now they have demanded to see a copy of my POA, Health Proxy and will. All are over 20 yrs old. The POA and HP are void after death anyway. I allowed them to make the funeral arrangements and only went in when it was time to write the check-then they all refused to attend

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